(Valley News front page, 13 August 1999).
The Shapiro Visitor Program in Mathematics is funded through
the generosity of Ed Shapiro (1916--2003), long-time friend and
supporter of the Department of Mathematics. A short bio of Ed Shapiro
can be found here.
- Paul Baum (Penn State University, PA)
- Christian Bean (Reykjavik University)
- Raimundo Briceno (Tel Aviv University)
- Wai Kiu Chan (Wesleyan University)
- Ingrid Daubouchies (Duke University)
- Dorin Dumitrascu (Adrian College)
- Hermann Eberl (University of Guelph)
- Piet Lammers (Cambridge University)
- Ben Linowitz (Oberlin College)
- Andrei Maliutin (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
- Peter Mucha (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Daniel Smertnig (University of Waterloo)
- Peter Woit (Columbia University)
- Chuen-Ming Mike Wong (Louisiana State University)
- Paul Baum (Penn State University, PA)
- Peter Buser (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
- Alexander Govokhovsky (Univeristy of Colorado Boulder)
- Eran Makover (Central Connecticut State University)
- Clyde Martin (Texas Tech University)
- Martin Nowak (Harvard University)
- Semen Podkorytov (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
- Dave Roberts (University of Minnesota, Morris)
- Paul Baum (Penn State University, PA)
- Peter Buser (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
- Alisa DeStefano (holy Cross)
- Nigel Higson (Penn State University, PA)
- Peter Hochs (University of Adelaide)
- Toshiyuki Kobayashi (University of Tokyo)
- Frederic Latremoliere (University of Denver)
- Clyde Martin (Texas Tech University)
- Rustam Sadykov (Kansas State University)
- Chad Topaz (Williams College)
- Vince Vatter (University of FLorida)
- Xiujuan Wang (Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Paul Baum (Penn State University, PA)
- Nishant Chandgotia (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
- Roman Golovko (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
- Nigel Higson (Penn State University, PA)
- Robert Kycharczky (ETH Zurich)
- Florian Luca (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburgh)
- Paul Pollack (University of Georgia, GA)
- Gonzalo Tornaria (Centro de Matematica, Uruguay)
- Sarah Wolff (Denison University, Ohio)
- Te Wu (Hong Kong Polytechnic Univeristy)
- Oliver Baues (Göttingen University, Germany)
- Paul Baum (The Pennsylvania State University)
- Alisa DeStefano (Holy Cross)
- Robert Kucharcyzk (University of Bonn)
- Benjamin Linowitz (University of Michigan)
- Gestur Olafsson (Louisiana State University)
- Jean Renault (Universite d’Orleans, France)
- Yuval Roichman (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
- Lola Thompson (Oberlin)
- Serge Yagunov (Steklov Institute, St. Petersburg)
- Paul Baum (Pennsylvania State University)
- Nigel Higson (Pennsylvania State University)
- Pierre Julg (University of Orleans)
- Benjamin Linowitz (University of Michigan)
- Meera Mainkar (Central Michigan University)
- Carrie A. Manore (Center for Computational Science at Tulane University)
- John Quigg (Arizona State University)
- Yuval Roichman (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)/li>
- Carla Savage (North Carolina State University)
- Aidan Sims (University of Wollongong)
- Mark Tomforde (University of Houston)
- Kevin Ford (University of Illiniois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Dominic Klyve (Central Washington University)
- Maeve McCarthy (Murray State University)
- Vladimir Nezhinskii (Steklov Institute, St. Petersburg)
- Rustam Sadykov (CINVESTAV)
- Igor Shparlinski (University of South Wales)
- Frank Thorne (University of South Carolina)
- Ben Young (University of Oregon)
- Lowell Abrahms (George Washington University)
- Paul Baum (The Pennsylvania State University)
- Martin Berggren (Umea, Sweden)
- Fabio Cacciolo (Santa Fe Institute)
- Calder Daenzer (penn State)
- David Poulshock (Red Door Films)
- Carey Priebe (George Washington University)
- Jean Renault (Université d'Orléans, France)
- Yuval Roichmann (Bar-Ilan University , Israel)
- Miguel Sanchez (University of Granada, Spain)
- Xiang Tang (Washington University, St. Louis)
- Paul Baum (Pennsylvania State University)
- Luca Capogna (Universtiy of Arkansas)
- Emily Dryden (Bucknell University)
- Siegfried Echterhoff (University of Muenster)
- Daniel Sean Fitzpatrick (UC Berkeley)
- Angelos Georgakopoulos (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
- Charles Grinstead (Swarthmore)
- Penny Haxell (University of Waterloo)
- Denis Petrovich Ilyutko (Moscow State University, Russia)
- Marius Ionescu (Colgate University)
- Klaas Landsman (Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands)
- Clyde Martin (Texas Tech University)
- Paul Pollack (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Aiden Sims (Wollongong, NSW, Australia)
- Erik Smith (Santa Fe Institute)
- Christina Sormani (CUNY)
- Rosemary Braun (NCI-NIH)
- Graham Brightwell (London School of Economics)
- Robert Brignall (The Open Univeristy)
- Dorin Dumitrascu (University of Arizona)
- Don Hadwin (Univeristy of New Hampshire)
- Marius Ionescu (Colgate University)
- Greg Martin (University of British Columbia)
- Ken-ichi Maruyama (Okayama University)
- Paul Pollack (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- John Quigg (Arizona State University)
- Aaron Smith (University of Pennsylvania)
- Jeff Strom (Western Michigan University)
- Miranda Teboh-Ewungkem (Lafayette College)
- Tom Yuster (Lafayette College)
- Petr Akhmetyev (IZMIRAN Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Science)
- Graham Brightwell (London School of Economics)
- Lisa Clark (Susquehanna University)
- Bart de Smit (Leiden University, Netherlands)
- Eric Smith (Santa Fe Institute)
- Stefan Felsner (Technische Universität Berlin)
- Carrie Finch (Washington and Lee University)
- Kevin Ford (The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign )
- Ruth Gornet (University of Texas as Arlington)
- Charles Grinstead (Swarthmore College)
- Marius Ionescu (Colgate University)
- Steve Kaliszewski (Arizona State University)
- Robert Low (Coventry Polytechnic)
- Paul Muhly (University of Iowa)
- Marius Munteanu (SUNY, Oneonta)
- Neo Martinez (Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab)
- Paul Pollack The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign )
- John Quigg (Arizona State University)
- David Stork (Ricoh Innovations)
- Kris Tapp (Williams College)
- Eric van Erp (University of Pennsylvania)
- Peter Woit (Columbia University)
- Andrew Yang (Princeton)
- Charles Grinstead (Swarthmore College)
- Astrid an Huef (University of New South Wales)
- Erin Haller (University of Arkansas)
- Shannon Hughes (Princeton)
- Brian Munson (Stanford)
- Iain Raeburn (University of Newcastle)
- Jeffrey Strom (Western Michigan University)
- Len Vacher (University of South Florida)
- Timo Betcke (University of Manchester, UK)
- Graham Brightwell (London School of Economics)
- Yunhi Cho (University of Seoul and Boston College)
- Dorin Dumitrascu (University of Arizona)
- Marek Golasinski (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland)
- Charles Grinstead (Swarthmore, PA)
- Nigel Higson (Penn State)
- Florian Luca (Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM, Campus Morelia, México)
- Paul Muhly (U of Iowa)
- Yuli Rudyak (University of Florida)
- Melikhov Sergey (Steklov Math Institute, Moscow)
- Len Vacher (University of South Florida)
- Also provided support for the meeting of the
editorial board of Numeracy!, the electronic journal of the National Numeracy
- Graham Brightwell (London School of Economics)
- Sergei Chmutov (Ohio State University)
- Scott Crass (Cal State, Long Beach)
- Tobias Ekholm (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Jessica Flack (Santa Fe Institute, NM)
- Charles Grinstead (Swarthmore, PA)
- Astrid an Heuf (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- David Krakauer (Santa Fe Institute, NM)
- John McCarthy (Stanford University, CA)
- Paul Muhly (U of Iowa)
- Lisa Orloff (Susquehanna University, PA)
- Iain Raeburn (University of Newcastle, Australia)
- Yuli Rudyak (University of Florida)
- Audrey Terras (UCSD)
- Scott Crass
- Sigfried Echterhoff (University of Muenster, Germany)
- Charles Grinstead (Swarthmore, PA)
- Astrid an Huef (University of New South Wales, Australia)
- Florian Luca (Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM, Campus Morelia, México)
- Paul S. Muhly (University of Iowa)
- Hideaki Ooshima (Ibaraki University, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan)
- Iain Raeburn (University of Newcastle, Australia)
- Jean Steiner (NYU)
- Jeffrey Strom (Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan)