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Applied and Computational Mathematics
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Research by Xingru Chen and Feng Fu on the effects of social networks on vaccination behavior
The research of our ACM group is focused on studying real-world problems using a wide range of mathematical and computational tools, ranging from numerical methods to network science to evolutionary dynamics.


Feng Fu
Mathematical biology; Networks; Evolutionary dynamics; Cooperation; Cancer; Infectious diseases
Anne Gelb
Numerical analysis; Imaging and signal processing applications; Numerical partial differential equations
Dimitris Giannakis
Dynamical systems; Data science; Quantum information; Climate dynamics
Yoonsang Lee
Applied and Computational Mathematics; Numerical PDEs; Uncertainty quantification; Data assimilation
Ethan Levien
Probability theory and stochastic processes; Mathematical biology; Statistics
Peter Mucha
Complex systems; Data analysis; Networks
Scott Pauls
Differential geometry; Data analysis; Complex systems; Applications to economics, neuroscience, sociology, and political science
Dan Rockmore
Complex systems; Machine learning; Networks; Computational harmonic analysis
Dorothy Wallace
Mathematical biology; Ordinary differential equations; Number theory
John Voight
Number theory; Arithmetic geometry; Algebraic computing


Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar