Spring 2002
FIRST EXAM: The first mid-term will be distributed in class on Friday,
April 19, and due in class on Monday, April 22.
Section 01, 9L E. Brown, e-mail: elizabeth.t.brown@dartmouth.edu
Section 02, 2 V. Chernov, e-mail: vladimir.chernov@dartmouth.edu
Text: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 7th edition, by Boyce and DiPrima, published by Wiley.
Syllabus: Here is a tentative syllabus for Math 23.
Exams: There will be two take-home midterms, and a take-home final.
Homeworks: The homework assignments will be usually assigned daily and will be due by the beginning of the next class.
Grading: TENTATIVE GRADING POLICY: Grades will be computed as follows: Exams: 25% each, Final: 35% , Homework: 10%, Presentations: 5%.
Honor principle: Students are expected to scrupulously observe the honor principle. Collaboration is encouraged on homework and in study groups. All work on exams should be strictly individual.
Other Concerns: If you have any concerns at all concerning this course, please talk to your professor as soon as possible. In particular, those students who may require disability-related accomodations, due to conditions including but not limited to physical disabilities, chronic diseases, and psychiatric or learning or disabilities, should let the professor know, so that appropriate arrangements can be made. We want to talk to you; please come see us.