Directed Reading Program 23W poster session, Wednesday March 8
March 03, 2023
To conclude a wonderful term of learning mathematics in our Directed Reading Program, students will give poster presentations on Wednesday March 8 from 11am-1pm in Kemeny 300. Topics will include matrix groups, category theory, Bayesian inference, mathematical bioeconomics, magical mathematics, and more! Our program pairs undergraduate students with mentors to undertake independent reading projects covering advanced topics in mathematics that are generally not taught at the undergraduate level, fostering a supportive environment for students seeking to further their interest in mathematics. Thank you to everyone who made this possible, especially program organizers Richard Haburcak, Ben Adenbaum, and Brian Mintz, and of course all our graduate students and postdocs who volunteered to mentor this term. From left: fifth year PhD student Richard Haburcak along with presenters Sofia Goncalves ’25 and Evan Barrett ’24. Other presenters will be Mimi Grozeva ’24, Paul Shin ’24, Ian Gill ’23, Andrew Koulogeorge ’24, Calvin George ’24, Mia Anwar ’25, Daniel Carstensen ’24, Amya Luo ’24, Damini Kohli ’23, and Heather Wang ’25.