With a strong history of research in pure mathematics and fast-growing activity in applied mathematics, our department represents the major fields within mathematics through our research groups. Faculty members have research interests not only in the major areas of pure mathematics, but also in applications of mathematics to the physical, biological, and social sciences.
We have seven research groups with partially overlapping memberships to promote broad interaction across disciplines:
Applied and Computational Mathematics
Combinatorics and Discrete Mathematics
Most of these groups hold weekly seminars for faculty and graduate students during the Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. Our seminars page has an overview and our daily events calendar contains the most up-to-date information.
In addition, our active colloquium program brings in visiting faculty to enrich and expand academic discourse and also provides for welcoming social interaction through our weekly teas.
In Kemeny Hall our graduate students work alongside faculty in a friendly and supportive environment in a beautiful building with well-appointed facilities. The accessibility of faculty members ensures a great deal of out-of-class interaction between faculty and graduate students. See recent theses and the list of recent graduates to explore areas of graduate research.
Undergraduates in pursuit of a senior thesis work closely with faculty advisors on independent research projects. We also foster undergraduate research through our Dartmouth Mathematics REU as well as the Byrne Scholars Program.
Links to seminars in individual department research areas, as well as undergraduate and graduate seminars.
A list of recent publications by Dartmouth math faculty and students.